How to build a WordPress website
Unlock the fundamentals of domain ownership and streamline your web presence

Building a new website may sound difficult, but it really isn’t. If we use ready-made solutions like WordPress, we can have a website with a few clicks. WordPress is a program (someone would correct us by saying script) of site administration. The English term for such programs is “Content Management System” which in Albanian would be Content Management System (of the site). In short, WordPress is a program that helps you create a website and add or change content/text from your website. WordPress has gained a lot of use on the Internet and currently powers over 40% of all websites on the Internet, from personal blogs to corporate websites have WordPress (or now back WP for short) at their foundation. Below is a step-by-step process on how to build a website on WordPress.
Step 1: Choose the host for your WordPress site
First, you need to choose a host! (Web hosting) or web hosting is the service that allows you to get a space on a server where you can store the files that create your website. At the end of the day, a web page is a set of HTML files (in its simplest form). The space made available to you by a hosting company, the guarantee that the server will always be online and all other configurations that make your site online are part of the hosting service (but on top of these there are other services such as DNS, Email etc. ) offers a control panel (Plesk) that facilitates one-click installation of WP.’s online WordPress hosting packages include:
Free SSL certificate
Free email under your domain By creating a WP site, you need to update WordPress every time there is a new version. This is important for the security of your website. Whereas, for those who don’t want to bother with this, they can choose a managed WordPress hosting. These packages include:
- Automatic page backup
- Unlimited Bandwitdh
- Support for design and plugins (WP plugins)
- Ongoing site maintenance and ensuring you are always on the latest version of WordPress
Step 2: Register your domain name
Once you have the hosting package, the next step is to register your domain name. Here are some tips for choosing a domain:
- Use a well-known suffix that reflects the place where you carry out your economic/personal activity. If your site is for an Albanian company and is addressed to the Albanian consumer, you must select an .al domain.
- Classic domains are .com, .org, .net. But the chances of finding a short and practical domain in this area are low.
- The suffix of the domain (.al or .com) will determine the character of the domain. If you are a company that provides online services, you can use .net. If you are a non-profit organization, you can use .org.
- Try short and simple domains – Complicated names can be challenging to remember. It’s also a good idea to avoid hyphens or numbers if possible.
- Consider your brand – Your domain name should match your brand, whether it’s just your company name or a term that alludes to your main products or services. At we offer you the opportunity to choose the best domain name for your business
Step 3: Choose a WordPress theme
WordPress is a good solution for beginners because it allows you to customize pre-built designs from hundreds of internet enthusiasts. WordPress site contains over 10,000 free designs and many more paid options. Here are some factors to consider as you search for the design that fits the site you’re building:
- Price (Free vs. Premium)
- Ratings and Reviews
- Responsiveness
- Technical requirements (some designs may require more customization than others)
The Nature of Your Site Once you find a design you like, you can install it from within WP. If you change your mind about your chosen design, don’t worry. You can change it without affecting the content of your website.

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